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ACCA Chief Executive Helen Brand Visits GDUFS

Time:May 21, 2024  Author:SITS Translation Practice and  Editor:Xiao Man  Source:From the GDUFS news website   Photo:

On May 15, Helen Brand, the chief executive of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), along with her delegation, visited Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS). Vice President Shen Minghao warmly received the guests in the International Conference Hall on the Baiyun Mountain Campus. Both sides engaged in in-depth discussions on topics including discipline development, talent cultivation, and artificial intelligence courses at GDUFS.


Helen Brand presents GDUFS with the ACCA Platinum Approved Learning Partner (ALP) crystal award

Vice President Shen Minghao extended a warm welcome to Helen Brand and her delegation, providing a detailed overview of the significant achievements GDUFS has made in recent years in discipline construction, scientific research innovation, and international exchange. He highlighted that GDUFS is dedicated to cultivating high-level talent with an international perspective and comprehensive skills. The university has excelled in accounting and financial management education, earning the distinction of being the first Platinum Approved Learning Partner (ALP) of ACCA in South China, which signifies its position as a high-level accounting education base in the region.

Helen Brand congratulated GDUFS on its achievements and expressed her enthusiasm for future collaborations in various fields to promote the high-quality development of accounting education. During the ensuing discussions, both parties explored a wide range of topics, including corporate ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), talent cultivation, and digital intelligence courses. They also shared insights and achievements on ACCA’s global efforts in promoting talent development and the advancement of intelligent courses.

This meeting marks a new milestone in the cooperation between GDUFS and ACCA in the field of accounting education. Both parties expressed their commitment to continuing to strengthen exchanges and collaboration, jointly driving the high-quality development of accounting education.


Group Photo

The meeting was attended by Yu Pengyi, Dean of the School of Accounting, and other relevant directors.