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Delegation from Marquette University of America Visits Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Time:November 10, 2023  Author:SITS Translation Practice and Training Base  Editor:Yang Xin  Source:From the GDUFS news website   Photo:

On the morning of November 3, John M. Baworowsky, Vice President of Marquette University (MU) of America, and his delegation came to visit Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS). Vice President Jiao Fangtai met with the guests in the VIP room of the administration building of Baiyunshan Campus. The two sides exchanged views on promoting talent training and scientific research cooperation.

Jiao Fangtai welcomed the delegation and gave a detailed introduction to the educational characteristics and internationalization development of GDUFS. He said that GDUFS has always adhered to international education, actively built high-end internationalization exchange and cooperation platforms, innovated talent training models, and cultivated high-level internationalization talents. He emphasized that in the current era of globalization, it is of great significance to comprehensively improve students’ international vision and comprehensive abilities. GDUFS attaches great importance to this exchange and cooperation with MU. It is hoped that, with the signing of the cooperation agreement as an opportunity and the student exchange program as the starting point, both universities will further strengthen pragmatic cooperation in the fields of scientific research and talents, complement each other’s advantages, share resources, and write a new chapter of development together.

Scene of the meeting

John Baworowsky expressed his gratitude for the welcome and praised GDUFS’s achievements in internationalization. He introduced the operation of MU and the current cooperation projects with Chinese universities. He said that MU attaches great importance to exploring the Chinese market and will wholeheartedly provide quality services to Chinese students. He hopes that in the future, the two universities will bring together high-quality education resources, continue to strengthen exchanges, expand areas of cooperation, jointly cultivate high-quality talents, and help the two universities achieve high-quality development.

Signing ceremony of cooperation agreement

Representatives from the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation and International College attended the meeting. After the meeting, Jiao Fangtai and John Baworowsky signed a project cooperation agreement.

In the afternoon, the Marquette University delegation visited the School of Economics and Trade, School of Business, School of Accounting, School of Finance of Finance, and International College to discuss the cooperation.