The message that it’s time to hold the annual GDUFS Cup is sent by the soft spring breeze and the warm sunshine. The GDUFS Cup is made up of many kinds of sports’ matches, which include badminton, tennis, basketball, shuttlecock and volleyball. As it’s held school-wide annually, all GDUFSers are able to join in the matches that they are good at or interested in full swing, either as athletes or audiences.

The athlete was shooting
Among all kinds of sports, basketball always attracts the most attention and release most passion. The opening ceremony of the GDUFS Cup was held in the staff basketball court in north campus. What suits the hot weather most is the enthusiastic performances given by the cheerleaders. Dressed in youthful dresses, their dances kindled every GDUFSer’s ardor.
The GDUFS Cup is held separately between males and females, and there are twenty men’s teams and sixteen women’s teams joining in the competition on behalf of their faculties. A basketball team is made up of five people, all of whom plays an important role in the game. Lasting about one hour, a basketball game is divided into 4 parts. Athletes running, chasing, shooting, colliding with each other, and every athlete on the court trying their best to get the ball into the enemy’s basket. For the athletes, fatigue and pain are not that hard to endure in front of victory. All the athletes train hard and practice hard, not only for improving their own skills, but to win the championship of the GDUFS Cup.

Athletes were fighting hard for rebounds
The hurrah and excited shouts are heard at the time the ball is thrown into the basket, which not only encourages the dominant team but also gives a warning to the underdog. The fascinating basketball games consist of the athletes’ wonderful teamwork and the stimulation that every audience can experience the intensity and the uncertainty of that who would be the winner of the game, which cannot be decided until the very last moment.

the group photo of FELC
What most unforgettable for all the athletes’ heart is the valuable experience that they work with the teammates and all the difficulties they had overcome together to fight for the championship. Comparing with the result of the game, the friendship and the teamwork spirit they harvest from it is more important. The GDUFS Cup enriches students’ life, and shows the vitality of GDUFSers. Thus it’s popular every year and it encourage more and more students to take part in sports’ activities. All in all, everyone atGDUFS had a good time at the GDUFS Cup.