Mr Gerardo Rochar, Chairman of the IC-USTA (International Council of University of Saint Thomas) and founding president of Universidad Santo Tomas, accompanied by the senior Vice-president and other colleagues, paid a visit to GDUFS on September 22, 2006. Zhong Weihe, Vice-president of GDUFS and Liang Xuehong, Director of the International Exchange Department held a discussion with the guests concerning programs of scholarship exchanges and seminars to be held next year among universities in China, Chile and Taiwan. Furthermore, both sides considered the possibility of establishing a Confucius Academy in Chile.

Mr. Rochar and colleagues walking around the campus
The Chilean guests were shown around the Library, Yunshan Hall as well as Culture Plaza on the North Campus. Later they paid a visit to the South Campus. Mr. Rochar thought highly of our campus environment, its development as a science and research university, and the favorable teaching and employment rates of its graduates. He wished the cooperative agreement signed by himself and Fang Fanquan, the Vice-president, in November last year, every success.

Chilean guests and dancing group of GDUFS

Chilean guests near the school emblem of GDUFS