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Party Secretary Xu Guobin Visits Northern European Institutes

Time:October 21, 2010  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

October 16 - From September 27th to October 4th, GDUFS CPC Vice Secretary Xu Guobin visited Sweden and Finland as a member of the Delegation of Mental Health Education Specialist Steering Committee, which is organized by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education.


The delegation was warmly welcomed during their visits. There were several heated discussions over issues like mental health education and counsel of college student, student affairs and development.


Delegation in front of HAWK University of Applied Sciences


The delegation also visited Lenin Museum in the city of Tampere, Finland. After devoting a whole afternoon in the museum to study the life of the revolutionary leader, each member was impressed by his life experiences.



Presenting promotional products and souvenirs of GDUFS


When interviewed, Secretary Xu said, "Sweden and Finland as well as other Northern European countries have long been praised for their emphasis on higher education and the abundant financial support of the government. Higher institutes in Northern European countries emphasize on characteristics and advantages, while students are encouraged to study independently and research jointly."


Northern European institutes also approved of the innovation manifested in the way mental health education and counsel was conducted at GDUFS, and showed great interest in cooperation with GDUFS. They discussed issues of cooperative education, student and faculty exchange and welcomed the idea of GDUFS students taking classes at their colleges, in which case, student's tuition fees will be free.


GDUFS will be engaged in the cooperation and communication with Northern European higher institutes in the near future.


                                                 Source: GDUFS News Website