Dec 7th_ The headmaster of the Autonomous University Of Puebla, Robert Enrique, along with the Mexican delegation visited GDUFS on Dec.1st. President Zhong Weihe and Vice President Fang Fanquan of GDUFS met Enrique on the north campus. Both sides signed a cooperation agreement after an exchange between students and teachers, a discussion about academic cooperation and so on.

Presidents of both schools showing the co-operation agreement
President Zhong Weihe gave a warm welcome to Robert Enrique and his delegation, and then gave them a brief introduction about GDUFS. He shared that GDUFS is a key university which combined Guangzhou Foreign Languages University and Guangzhou Institude of Foreign Trade. It's an important base not only for developing international talents with foreign language expertise , but also for promoting researches on international economics and trade. Marked by the distinct internationalization, GDUFS is taking an active role in actualizing "Project 310", and has cooperated with more than 190 unversities and culture organizations in the world. Moreover, the Autonomous University Of Puebla is the first Mexican University to sign a cooperation agreement with GDUFS. President Zhong hopes that both schools will have further cooperation on student exchange and joint academic research. Also, he pointed out further issues about international strategy, country region studies and so on.

Mr Enrique communicating with Mr Zhong
Mr Enrique expressed his heartfelt thanks for the warm welcome to GDUFS. He said that as a public university with a long history, the Autonomous University Of Puebla has enough funds for academic research and it has signed similar cooperation agreements with 35 colleges throughout the world. Since both sides can cooperate on many aspects, Mr Enrique said he hopes that the two universities will conduct research together and exchange students as well as teachers. What's more, he also invited President Zhong to visit the Autonomous University Of Puebla.
In the end, the two presidents signed the cooperation agreement and exchanged presents.
The two headmasters signing the cooperation agreement
Source: GDUFS News Website