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GDUFS Participating in Sino-Vietnam Youth Exchange Activities

Time:October 21, 2013  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

Oct.18th--On the morning of October 15th, a youth exchange activity, held by the Vietnam National University/University of Social Sciences and Humanities of Hanoi (VNU/USSH), invited WU Junfeng, Deputy Director of the Office of International Cooperation & Exchange of GDUFS,  HUANG Ting, professor in Vietnam language, and 15 students of the class of 2011, who are majoring in Vietnamese, to participate. Chinese Premier LI Keqiang, during his visit to Vietnam, met with Chinese students studying in this college, as well as the Vietnamese students. 



GDUFS faculty taking part in the Youth Exchange activity


In this activity, the Chinese students presented a vibrant dance accompanied by lively music, fully embodying the spirit of contemporary Chinese college students. Then, following this program the Vietnamese Youth Choir sang "Brilliant Vietnamese"---a famous song in . Its sonorous melodies conveyed the praise of the motherland and of good expectations for the future. Finally, in the melody of "You Come to Me With Love", the Sino-Vietnamese youth joining hands together, under two countries' flags, sang of the forever friendship between  and , symbolizing the way rivers flow and Mountains continuously run, and suggesting the happy wish of the two countries for close contact. Three students YAN Zebinl, LIU Yuxi and WU Wei were involved in this song chorus, not only conveying the message of good wishes for friendship but demonstrating the vitality of GDUFS students.


In the ensuing talk, LI Keqiang raised three wishes to the Sino-Vietnamese Youth: First; Be determined to pass down the friendship; Second; Live up to the promise of our Youth; and, Third, Increase the affinity between our two countries. He said that we are fully confident in the future of Sino-Vietnamese relations. As long as young people step forward hand-in-hand, shoulder-by- shoulder, the friendship will be passed down from generation to generation. Finally, he proposed "thirsty for knowledge, applying their knowledge," as a message of hope that the Sino-Vietnamese students will continue moving on the road of being the pillars of the nations as the successors of two countries' friendship!  



RAUN Shanwen, Vice President of  (the sixth person to the left in the first row), RUAN Wenqing, Principal of VNU/USSH (the fifth person to the left in the first row) with the faculty and participants from the university


Through this exchange activity, all students in the GDUFS 2011 group studying Vietnamese in Hanoi have received a profound education. They feel strongly that we, as college students, are expected to shoulder the future of our country, for our every move is closely related with the goals of our Motherland's tomorrows. As the Prime Minister said "no more waste of time", students learning minority languages should seize every minute to enhance language skills, have a further knowledge of the target country's history, culture and current conditions, and strive for becoming successors to the traditional friendship between two countries.



The Introduction to the Social Science and Humanities (VNU/USSH)


Previously known as Vietnam University of Literature, the VNU/USSH was established in October 10,1945 and has undergone three development stages, namely: First; As Vietnam Comprehensive University (June 4, 1956) , Then as  (September 1995), Finally changing to its present name.


VNU/USSH is the most famous university in Vietnam entrusted with the task of producing top-talents majoring in the humanities and social sciences. It offers as many as 15 disciplines covering journalism, tourism, Orientalism, Han Nom, history, archival science, secretarial management, linguistics, management science, international science, psychology, library information, philosophy, foreign Vietnamese and Vietnamese culture , writing, and sociology, and with a total of 27 masters training programs and 16 doctoral training programs.


VNU/USSH has developed educational exchanges and cooperative relationships with 80 foreign universities and research institutions. The 3.5+0.5 cooperation training model has been launched with GDUFS and the International Contact office is responsible for carrying out this program.