Oct.18th--GDUFS Vice-president SHI Youqi along with JIAO Fangtai, Director of the GDUFS International Office, attended the 2013 Asian University Presidents Forum in Malaysia from October 7th to 9th.

GDUFS VP SHI (rigth-most) with other distinguished guests at the opening ceremony of AUPF
This years forum was hosted by UniMAP, with the theme of "Leadership in Asian Transition: Opportunities and Challenges" With growing levels of influence in Asia, AUPF has attracted many presidents and other representatives from over 70 universities of 22 Asian countries.
At the opening ceremony on October 7th, Dr. Mahathir, former Malaysian Prime Minister, spoke about "Transitions In Asian Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges". Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Mr. Muhyiddin, congratulated those working for change that higher education is gradually regarded as the major undertaker and contributor of the development in economic terms, especially in the areas of the knowledge economy and the innovative economy. Therefore, the opportunity to host AUPF also marks the opportunity to achieve common progress through collaboration, cooperation and understanding amongst nations of the Asian regions.
GDUFS VP SHI (on the right) presenting a commemorative gift to Kamarudin Hussin, UniMAP President
On October 7th, AUPF participants visited the UniMap campus cultural to participate in cultural activities and took part in photo session at the AUPF theme park. On October 8th, presidents and scholars in the group discussed and exchanged opinions and ideas about many topics, such as the Asian Century and Asian Values, Reality and the Future of Asian Education, Promotion of Leadership and more.
On October 9th, the AUPF Standing Committee meeting was held. At the meeting, Mr. SHI spoke about the fact that UniMAP was making every effort to assure the success of the forum, thus promoting it to new heights and assuring that it will be more influential in the future.
Following animated discussions, members of the Standing Committee resolved the following: First: The group should establish membership access rules and systems; Secondly: The group should adopt an AUPF song called "Together We Are"; Thirdly, An AUPF network should be established to faciltiate resource sharing; Fourthly, The organization should link AUPF to other networks; Fifth, The group should develop and share remote network teaching; Sixth, The group should implement projects such as ASP (what is this?); Seventh, efforts should be made to raise funds to support students involved; Eighth, Announcement of the Christian University of Thailand as the institution that will host the 2014 AUPF Conference and of GDUFS as the host of the 2015 AUPF Conference should be done.
During this forum, GDUFS VP SHI exchanged invitations with leaders of friendly universities such as Dongseo University President Jekuk Chang (WHAT IS THE PLACE?); Bangkok University President Mathana Santiwat, and others to strengthen ways of mutual cooperation. VP SHI also renewed cooperation agreements with Thailand’s Siam University President Pornchai Mongkhonvanit.
VP. SHI (right) renewing agreements with Pornchai Mongkhonvanit, President of Thailand's Siam University