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1+1 Jointly-Developed Program in Cooperation with UPNA Advances

Time:November 8, 2013  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:


On the morning of 6 November, Havel Ka Sali, Vice President of the Public University of Navarra, Spain (UPNA), along with Louis A Jenande, leader of the Asia-Pacific Cooperation Project visited Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) to continue negotiations with the GDUFS School of Economics and Trade on 1+1 jointly-developed Masters Program. Meeting participants from GDUFS included Deputy Party Secretary LU Jinghui, who met with Ka Sali and other members on GDUFS's behalf, LI Tieli, Dean of the School of Economics and Trade, WU Junfeng, Deputy Director General of the International Department and ZHANG Yi, Vice Director of the MIB Center.


UPNA launched the initial negotiations with GDUFS in December of 2008 and then both parties signed a cooperation agreement in December 2009, dropping the veil of cooperation with the School of Economics and Trade in order to recruit graduate students. So far GDUFS has sent 15 exchange students to study at UPNA. 



Cordial exchange between LU Jinghui and the Vice president of UPNA


At the meeting, LU Jinghui first recounted GDUFS's efforts to reinforce international cooperation. He pointed out that, in recent years, GDUFS has increased its commitment to create a distinctive feature of internalization and said, "This year there are more than 2,000 foreign students studying at GDUFS." Speaking of the manner of cooperation with UPNA, LU Jinghui said that the undergraduate exchange program of the two universities is underway and that there are currently four undergraduates in-exchange. Too, he stated that a student from the University of Navarra attended GDUFS in the recent past. He believes that, based on previously successful co-operations, negotiations with UPNA on the jointly-developed 1+1 Masters Program should be carried out smoothly.


"Canton feels like home." Kasali in his first expressions of his special feelings, "although cooperating with GDUFS for only five years, we keep paying close attention to details in order to establish good relationships with GDUFS". Kasali displayed a positive attitude towards the collaborative efforts and he said he hoped to learn more about  and GDUFS through the latest developments of this program and, to hammer out the agreement as soon as possible. In addition he expressed expectations that the EU's Erasmus Program will be established at GDUFS fairly rapidly so that opportunities can be given to more excellent talents on both sides.



Kasali talking with Lopez Gemma, exchange student from UPNA


After the meeting, Kasali greeted exchange student Lopez Gemma from UPNA who has studied at GDUFS for one year. Gemma told our reporters that she has seen many different people and the cultures of different countries in her one year at GDUFS and realizes that learning to be independence is useful for your own individual growth. Gemma also said she had fallen in love with China and has adjusted to study life here, "Course arrangements are very reasonable, students and teachers are friendly and I like everything, ­except that I find the meat is cut into such small pieces", she said smiling.


P.S. Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation program with EU in the field of higher education at the Master's level and is available for both European students as well as those from outside Europe. Both international students and visiting scholars are eligible and the Erasmus programs offer 5000 students scholarships and 1000 places for visiting scholars in countries in an around Asia.


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