On March 25th, Klaus Ebermann, the former EU ambassador to China came to GDUFS. President ZHONG Weihe gave him a warm welcome. Accompanied by YANG Shaogang, Executive Editor of Strategy Decision Research, CAI Hong and LIANG Jie, Deputy Directors of Office of International Cooperation & Exchange,the honored guest was well received.
President ZHONG expressed gratitude for Klaus Ebermann's backing on the internationalization of GDUFS, advice to which we have paid much attention, and made tremendous efforts in recent years. President ZHONG noted he was looking forward to Mr. Ebermann's continuing support to the development of GDUFS and for additional chances for collaboration in additional areas.
Mr. Ebermann said he was very honored to serve as adjunct professor and academic adviser for the European Research Center of GDUFS. Additionally, he actively disseminates GDUFS information and research from the International Institute for strategic studies of Guangdong to the international community as well as recommending partners for collaboration to GDUFS. He noted he was also willing to provide more support to the development of GDUFS.
Photo of the meeting group
Mr. Ebermann delivered two lectures entitled Europe 2014 and External Relationships of Europe, which were respectively hosted by CAI Hong and LI Yongning, the Chief Editor of International Dynamic. He referred to some hot topics related to Europe, including latest situations of the Ukraine crisis and the European debt crisis as well as TTIP negotiations between the US and the EU. Too, he put forward some of his personal views about the future of European Integration. During the visit he met with LI Qing, Secretary General of the Guangdong International Institute of Strategic Studies, talking about possible academic collaborations and applications for international projects.

In the lecture spotlight
It is reported that in March, 2014 Mr. Ebermann accepted an interview with reporters of China Daily (English version) as visiting researcher of GDUFS and Guangdong International Institute of Strategic Studies and presented opinions about the current situation and the future of the China-EU relationships.
NEWS link: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2014-03/24/content_17372704.htm