On 3rd April 2014, delegates from the University of Birmingham arrived at GDUFS for meetings to further comprehensive cooperation plans that are underway. Among representatives were David Dickinson, Deputy Head of the College of Social Sciences, Barbara Fawcett from the Department of Social Policies, David Dunn from the Department of International Relationships, and WEN Lei, Manager of the University of Birmingham Organization in Guangzhou. President of the GDUFS School of Politics and Public Administration, PENG Weiming, Vice President of the International college, JU Junfeng and Deputy Secretary, SHAO Bing warmly welcomed the distinguished guests.
During the meeting, representatives from the University of Birmingham introduced their College of Social Sciences, the School of International Relationship and School of Social Policies, through which they indicated the potential extent of the cooperation between the two universities. The delegates again expressed their expectations to have further cooperation with GDUFS seeing the close relationship of the two colleges.
After discussions, the two universities came to several agreements on programs of exchange students, double degrees, study abroad, cooperation on teaching exchanges and summer camps. Representatives also noted plans to set up cooperative education on selected postgraduates levels including a Major of Social Policies and employment of foreign tutors.
The meeting is regarded as a further step in the cooperation between both colleges, which will bring forth more cooperative programs that will benefit both sides.

Photograph of representatives from both universities
University of Birmingham:
The University of Birmingham (informally Birmingham University) is a British red brick university located in the city of Birmingham, United Kingdom. Founded in 1900, Birmingham was the first red brick university to gain a charter and thus university status.
The student population includes around 17,000 undergraduate and 9,000 postgraduate students, making it the 11th largest in the UK. The University of Birmingham was ranked 10th in the UK and 62nd in the world by QS World University Rankings in 2013.The University was named University of the Year in 2013.
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