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Vice President of Queens College Visits GDUFS

Time:May 16, 2014  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:


On the morning of May 13th, delegates from Queens College, City University of New York arrived at GDUFS. Among representatives were Elizabeth Hendrey, Vice President of Queens College and Craig Michaels, Dean of the School of Education. FANG Fanquan, Vice President of GDUFS, met with the delegation members in the VIP Hall. CAI Hong, Deputy Director of the International Office, LIANG Xuehong, Dean of the Institute for International Education and LIU Hailing, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture were present.


Vice President FANG extended a warm welcome to Elizabeth Hendrey  on her second visit to GDUFS and also expressed gratitude for her constant efforts,  through which the exchange and visiting programs in favor of students and teachers have been defined. To now, two administrators  of GDUFS have been appointed to take over posts in Queens College. GDUFS will see five exchange students off this August. Though at present, a few problems concerning the cooperation  related to the Confucius Institute  have been encountered by  both institutions , the two sides will continue to push the program forward. 



 FANG and Elizabeth discussing


Ms Hendrey  expressed her pleasure on her return visit to GDUFS and the delegation held discussions with representatives from the School of English and Education, the Institute for International Education and the Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture respectively, each providing a view of ways to further the cooperation. To promote the communication between students from the two universities, Queens College has selected three students who are ready to study  at GDUFS who will be honored with scholarships sponsored by the Chinese government, if possible. In the meanwhile, she stated her belief  that the administered-exchange was conducive to interaction between the staffs of both institutions. The delegation also  expressed great interest in a series of proposals covering global internships, short-term exchanges, research cooperations, and more.