On June 14th, over 50 alumni (former teachers included), and guests of honor assembled for the ceremony of the Foundation of GDUFS USA Alumni Association of Northern California (AANC) at Flower Lounge Restaurant in San Francisco. Educational Counselor of the Consulates General of the PRC in San Francisco, YANG Jun, consular officer GUAN Haiqiang, Chairman of the United Chinese Alumni Associations(UCAA) in USA YI Youwen, Chairwoman of the China Silicon Valley Association GUAN Liwen, the AANC representatives of Peking University, Sun Yat-sen University, South China University of Technology (SCUT), and others were present. Deputy Secretary of GDUFS Alumni Association PAN Xiangyu, representing our school, was also at the meeting.
During the ceremony, YUAN Xiaolan briefly introduced the preparation stages of AANC and read its regulations for all. It was said that there were only 12 alumni at the very beginning of the organizing activities but, with the help of the secretarial department of AANC, they were able to contact and attract over 60 alumni in just two weeks and to successfully make arrangements for the dedication ceremony.

YUAN Xiaolan giving a speech
PAN Xiangyu expressed greetings to all the Alumni on behalf of the leaders of the Alma Mater and appreciation for the great contributions made by YI Zhenghua, YUAN Xiaolan, LIJian and others for the assembly. Also, she presented the achievements that GDUFS, as Alma Mater, had made in recent years and sincerely invited all alumni to witness the 50th anniversary of GDUFS in 2015. Then, PAN Xiangyu announced the list of suggested members for the first term of the AANC council and then she presented YI Zhenghua, the first chairman of the group, with the flag of the association.
Flag presenting ceremony
YI Zhenghua said he was excited to see the alumni there. The establishment of the AANC chapter was of great significance for alumni in San Francisco, even in northern California. He hoped that this platform would be of help in maintaining the relationships between alumni and The Alma Mater, with the goal of promoting cooperation and communications with different colleges and universities, all with the idea of carrying forward the fine traditions of our school and doing good to alumni, not only in the perspective of their career, but also in all parts of their lives. Alumni representative ZHANG Jianwei conveyed his wish that alumni of GDUFS would be great connections and that all of them would fulfill their dreams.

Yi Zhenghua speaking at the ceremony

Zhang Jianwei speaking
YANG Jun (Educational Counselor of the Consulates General of the PRC in San Francisco) congratulated all there for the establishment of the association which would be a new emerging force in San Francisco and he wished AANC might make great progress in the future. YI Youwen (Chairman of UCAA in USA), was looking forward to the day that GDUFS USA AANC would obtain membership in the UCAA allowing for better and deeper cooperations.
Group photo
As the prelude of the ceremony, everyone gave self-introductions, talking about their history related to the Alma Mater and their recent life. Attendants included former teachers who started their teaching over 50 years ago, successful graduates and undergraduates. Retired teachers were excited as they saw their old friends and students, making them feel as they were back in the days when they were still teaching. Alumni applauded the foundation of AANC. Also, they were pleased to regain the warmth of old friendships from being part of this celebration of the Alma Mater and proud for its great leap forward. RU Hong, who is over 82 years of age, was fully aroused and ad-libbed 6 songs bringing the ceremony to a successful ending.