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GDUFS Signs a Cooperation Agreement with Saint Petersburg State University of Economics

Time:May 30, 2014  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:


On May 23, 2014, Mr. HE Chuantian, Vice President of GDUFS paid a visit to Saint Petersburg State University of Economics in Russia and attended the 6th Forum of Russia and China抯 Leading Economists. The event,which was held at Saint Petersburg State University of Economics featured GDUFS representatives including  Ms. LIANG Jie, Deputy Director of the GDUFS Office of International Cooperation, Mr. WANG Shuchun, Vice President of theSchool of Legal Studies and Miss CHEN Qun, a postgraduate major in Russian language of the GDUFS Faculty of European Languages  and Culture.


During their visit to Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Mr. HE Chuantian, on behalf of GDUFS, signed an inter-university cooperation agreement and a student exchange agreement with Mr. Igor Maksimtsev, President of Saint Petersburg State University of Economics. The timing of the exchange for the first  group of undergraduates will be  scheduled for this coming September. Up to now, GDUFS has established cooperation relationships with many Russian universities  including Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow State Linguistics University, Ural Federal University and Saint

Petersburg State University of Economics.


The Signing Ceremony


At the ceremony,Mr. Igor Maksimtsev, said that cooperation between Chinese and Russian universities has made major contributions to the development of China-Russia relations. He wished that both parties should enjoy a successful cooperation.


Mr. HE Chuantian invited Mr. Igor Maksimtsev to visit our university and presented a souvenir to him on behalf of GDUFS.



 Our representatives and Mr. Igor Maksimtsev pose for a group photo


During their visit, the representatives of our university attended the 6th Forum of Russia and China抯 Leading Economists in which Prof. WANG gave a speech titled 揝trategic Significance of the CIS to China and China抯 Policy to CIS? Miss CHEN Qun made a report on the cooperation between Guangdong Province and Saint Petersburg city  related to the China-Russia Young Scholars Conference. In addition, Mr. HE Chuantian and other representatives participated in the joint meeting of the Association of Sino-Russian Economics Universities and discussed relevant cooperation matters including a 2014 work plan for the Association of Sino-Russian Economics Universities and joint training programs of postgraduates.



For your reference:


Saint Petersburg State University of Economics is one of the largest, time-honored economics universities in Russia, one which was established in September, 2012 with efforts of Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Saint Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics and Saint Petersburg State University of Service and Economics.


The Forum of Russia and China抯 Leading Economists  is held one time every two years in Beijing and Saint Petersburg. The, most recent, 5th forum was held in Beijing last year.


The Association of Sino-Russian Economics Universities was established by the Ministries  of Education of both countries, aiming to build academic cooperation platforms between Chinese and Russian economic research institutions,  institutions of higher education and economic research institutions, all to encourage members to conduct academic research in  a form  promoting international cooperation, to hold conferences, publish research results and to establish and promote academic journals, to conduct academic and non-academic joint training projects, and to advance personnel exchanges between universities of the two countries,and more.