North Campus, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, November 8th 2019: Giuseppe Crocetti, Representative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in China and Office of Mongolia, visited GDUFS. SHI Youqi, President of GDUFS, met the guests in the VIP Hall of the Administration Building. The two sides had a discussion on some cooperative projects.

Conference Site
SHI extended welcome to the guests and made a brief introduction of GDUFS. SHI mentioned that GDUFS set up the International Migration Centre to study the migration tide. He appreciated the contributions that Giuseppe Crocetti had made to the centre, and he was looking forward to a further cooperation with Crocetti’s team.
Giuseppe Crocetti felt it was an honor for him to exchange ideas with GDUFS. He personally attached importance to the cooperation between GDUFS and United Nations Research Institutions,and gave his gratitude for GDUFS’s welcome, emphasizing how much he valued the opportunity to work with GDUFS.

Group Photo
Relevant leaders of the offices of Human Resources,the International Migration Centre, as well as Academic Programmes and the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, also attended the meeting.