North Campus, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, November 9th 2019: On November 8th, Dr. Subramanian Swamy, Member of Parliament and Former Union Cabinet Minister from India, led a delegation to visit GDUFS. SUI Guangjun, Chairman of the Board of GDUFS, met these honorable guests in the VIP room of the Administration Building. They discussed many topics, including educational cooperation and the construction of think tanks.

SUI and Swamy were in an amicable discussion
SUI concisely introduced the history, features and achievements of GDUFS to the delegation. He mentioned that GDUFS as a university aims to foster internationally talented students. It has also established friendly relationships with many other universities. In recent years, GDUFS has made a great progress in the development of think tanks. Now it has already built a connection with international high-end think tanks. Besides, GDUFS has a Hindi major, which allows students to learn in-depth Indian culture through exchange programs. SUI also reinforced that both sides should strengthen mutual cooperation in terms of fostering talented people in the future, facing opportunities and challenges together, and to benefit the future of the people in both countries.
Dr. Subramanian Swamy gave a highly praise to the achievements of GDUFS. He gave a brief introduction of the development situations in India in return. He considered that the sustainable development of countries relies on innovation, which should be benefited from quality education. Swamy expressed that China and India have been friendly neighbors since a long time ago. Therefore, both countries should leverage their respective advantages, and make a greater progress through strengthening mutual cooperation. He looked much forward to enhancing the communication of the universities between India and China, and to jointly build a better platform for education and culture.
KE Xiaohua, Dean of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange; CHEN Duoyou, Dean of Faculty of Japanese Language and Culture and the Faculty of Asian and African Studies (under preparation), also attended the meeting.