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GDUFS Teachers Won 8 Awards of Non-Common Foreign Languages Achievements

Time:April 2, 2016  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

Recently, the Symposium of Enhancing Training Talents of Non-Common Foreign Languages was held in Beijing, organized by the Non-Common Foreign Languages Subcommittee of the Teaching Guidance Commission of Foreign Languages and Literature in Institutions of Higher Education under the Ministry of Education. Teachers from GDUFS were bestowed with 8 awards of Excellent Academic Achievements on Non-Common Foreign Languages.


In this symposium, the Third Academic Achievements Awards were given to four kinds of academic works, including research, textbooks, translations and lexicographical works. These academic works had been published from January, 2011, and could be further classified into different groups: languages, literature and culture of the Non-Common Foreign Languages; theories and practice of translation; research, textbooks and translation works of different regions and countries, and Chinese-Foreign and Foreign-Chinese dictionaries. 8 out of 10 academic achievements selected by the National Center for Teaching and Research of Asian and European Minor Languages of GDUFS won the Excellent Academic Achievement Awards, sweeping nearly 1/8 of the total awards. GDUFS was ranked second among all the participant universities according to the number of awarded academic works, revealing the flourishing teaching and research development of non-common foreign languages that GDUFS has made over the past few years.


Chinese Report: 我校教师喜获八项国家非通用语优秀学术成果奖