On March 4th, Grigorios Tassiopoulos, the new Consul General of Greece in Guangzhou, paid a visit to GDUFS, along with Nikolaos Enrike Ramirez Chatsios , Consul of Greece in Guangzhou and Anna Aslanido, Vice Consul of Greece in Guangzhou. President ZHONG Weihe received the delegation warmly at the VIP Reception Hall on the north campus. Also in attendance were FANG Fanquan, Vice President of GDUFS; CAI Hong, Director of the International Office; YANG Ke, Dean of School of European Languages and Cultures and WU Junfeng, Deputy Director of the International Office.
As Greek is one of the newly established majors at GDUFS, President ZHONG emphasized the immediate urge to recruit more experienced native Greek teachers, which is to be supported by the Greek Consulate in Guangzhou. Mr Grigorios, attaching great importance to the beginning of the cooperative program, not only agreed to provide experts in Greek language, culture, history and so on, but also looked forward to further exchanges of students between the two countries. President ZHONG also believed that students will acquire more knowledge by visiting Greece: the foundation of western culture.

Mr. Grigorios and President ZHONG talking
When it came to career prospects, President ZHONG assured Mr. Consul General that students learning minority languages will be more competitive when hunting for jobs since the principle of education at GDUFS is to equip those students with practical skills and an excellent command of two foreign languages. Both sides reached a consensus that the major of Greek will be developed comprehensively and progressively.

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At the end of the meeting, President ZHONG gave Mr. Grigorios Chinese tea as a gift, and received Greek wine in return.