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A Panel Selection of Best Practice for Cultural Exchange by Chinese Worldwide Has Been Initiated

Time:September 16, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

On August 31st, a Panel Selection of the Best Practice for Cultural Exchange by Chinese Worldwide and the 2015 International Forum on Chinese Culture Press Conference was called by the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the China ZHIGONG Party, Guangzhou Daily Group and GDUFS in the hall of the Guangzhou Democracy Building. This was in response to the national strategy “One Belt One Road” (OBOR) and President Xi’s instruction in enhancing cultural exchange. On behalf of the organizers, CHEN Yini, Vice President of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Guangzhou Committee and Chairwoman of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the China ZHIGONG Party; GU Lianqing, the Proprietor of Guangzhou Daily and President of Guangzhou Media Holdings, and ZHONG Weihe, President of GDUFS, delivered speeches during the conference. In addition, those who witnessed the initiation of the selection also included HU Wentao, Director of the Publicity Department of the School Party; WU Fangfei, Dean of the Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture; ZHAO Junfeng, Dean of the School of Interpreting and Translation Studies; HOU Yingzhong, Vice President of the School of Journalism and Communication, and a legion of media reporters from outside the province.


The Press Conference


The selection was opened worldwide, so as to collect the best cases that made a contribution to the development of Chinese civilization, integration of international cultures, promotion of innovation and maximization of societal benefits. According to the organizing committee, a judging panel of experts will select 10 Chinese citizens from around the world to receive the Award of Contribution and Excellence. The award ceremony will be held in GDUFS from December 19th to 21st.


CHEN highlighted the significance of the event as a new stage for communication and integration between the global culture and Chinese culture. She expressed her hope that a bumper harvest will be reaped under the efforts of tripartite members. Besides, the China ZHIGONG Party will take the opportunity to maintain intimate relationships with overseas Chinese citizens.


CHEN delivering a speech


GU expounded his views on cultural exchange. He emphasized the equality of different cultures. It is the acceptance of diverse cultures that makes the Chinese culture such a treasure trove. It is the embracing of mutual differences that makes the Silk Road a flourishing trade route.


GU delivering a speech


President ZHONG pointed out that through the selection, there will be more exchanges between China and abroad which will cover a wide spectrum from culture, tourism, science to regional cooperation. On the other hand, he introduced the exploration and achievements made in GDUFS to respond to the strategy demands of OBOR. Plus, he promised that GDUFS will spare no efforts to make arrangements for the upcoming award ceremony.


President ZHONG delivering a speech


At the end of the conference, the representatives turned the rudder together, marking the initiation of the event.


The group photo