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Establishment of Alumni Association of Hainan Province; Donation of Millions of Yuan

Time:September 17, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

On August 15th, the Alumni Association of Hainan Province was established as the 67th alumni association of GDUFS in Haikou, the provincial city of Hainan Province. At the convention, the charity bazaar was the most impressive event, where over 1.5 million Yuan was successfully raised to offer disadvantaged Hainanese undergraduates of GDUFS financial help.


Both ZHONG Weihe, President of GDUFS, and HE Chuantian, Vice-President of GDUFS, attended the convention. Representatives of 21 alumni associations came to express heartfelt congratulations, including Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangnan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou Development District, New York, the UK and New Zealand.


President ZHONG delivering a speech


The attendance of President ZHONG excited alumni. He briefly introduced the achievements and developmental process of GDUFS over the last 50 years. In the speech, he expressed his gratitude to alumni all over the world, because they have shown real GDUFSer’s spirit and have enhanced GDUFS’s global reputation with their excellent work performance and great social contributions. He said, “Alumni associations are a home to alumni. These associations are like bonds, twisting alumni and GDUFS together as well as GDUFS and society together. The establishment of the Alumni Association of Hainan Province helps to promote the development of GDUFS.”


YE Yuan is President of the Alumni Association of Hainan Province. She promised that the association will be the strong link between Hainanese alumni and their alma mater, as well as make a contribution to a promising future of GUDFS.




YE Yuan delivering a speech


LIANG Chengjing, President of the Alumni Association of Hong Kong, said that he was glad to witness the establishment of his sister association and expressed his best wishes to the association.


The most significant part of the convention was the charity bazaar, which raised over 1.5 million Yuan. CHEN Ya, Honorary President of the Alumni Association of Hainan Province, donated 500,000 Yuan; the Council of the Alumni Association of Hainan Province: 600,000 Yuan; charitable selling gained 462,600 Yuan. Also, YE Guinuan (a well-known painter), TAN Yanqing, CHEN Hao and other alumni donated. All the money will be used to help Hainanese students: 1.1 million Yuan will be part of the President’s Fund of GDUFS to enable disadvantaged GDUFS’s Hainanese undergraduates to graduate smoothly, while the remaining donations would be spent on GDUFS’s Hainanese freshmen, helping them get admitted to the university.


Group picture of the Alumni Association of Hainan Province


The 22 alumni associations signed on the cooperative memo which states that an investing company of GDUFS will be founded to support start-up businesses founded by GDUFS’s students and great projects of GDUFS’s alumni. “It will be a win-win cooperative measure because all alumni and students of GDUFS can get benefits from it.” LIN Tao, Executive President of Alumni Association of Hainan Province, claimed.


Signing on the cooperative memo


Taking part in activities of the Alumni Association of Hainan Province, President ZHONG and Vice-President HE also visited Hainan College of Foreign Language as well as had conversations with leaders of Hainan College of Foreign Language on deeper cooperation between both sides. Since 2014, both campuses have reached cooperative agreement officially and have carried out several cooperative projects together, such as the first correspondence teaching station in Hainan Province, which was set up at Hainan College of Foreign Language.