The commencement ceremony of GDUFS' class of 2013 which was chaired by Liu Jianda was held in Yunshan Hall on the north campus of GDUFS on the afternoon of June. 24th. President Zhong Weihe, Vice-CPC Secretary Chen Jianping, vice-president Gu Yeli and deans of different faculties had attended the ceremony. The national anthem served as the prelude of the commencement ceremony after the leaders' entering with a scepter.

Leaders of GDUFS entering the Yunshan Hall.
During the ceremony, President Zhong Weihe gave an attractive speech in an amiable style. Focused on the theme " Youth", president Zhong illustrated that youth was like a journey which people couldn't get back to the starting point. Youth also meant coming across with various people as well as experiences which would impress them deeply. He emphasized that students should be foresighted. Keep struggling for their dreams and never say no easily. Moreover, president Zhong said, " Wherever you go, not matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine." He hoped that students of GDUFS could be honest as well as kind in the society and they were welcome back to their alma mater whenever they wanted.
After president Zhong's speech, the alumnus of GDUFS, the parent representative and the representative of overseas students all gave a speech in turns. They all expressed their gratitude to GDUFS and gave best wishes to all the graduates.
President Zhong Weihe giving a speech.
After the speeches, the degree-awarding ceremony began. President Zhong Weihe awarded diplomas to each graduate, including undergraduates, postgraduates as well as Ph.D. Students of Faculty of English Language and Culture, Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture, Institute for International Education, Center for Lexicographical Studies ,Center for Foreign Literature and Culture and Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. Finally, the the commencement ceremony of GDUFS was ended with the inspiring music.

President Zhong Weihe awarding the diploma to a graduate.
Photo by GDUFS News Website