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Students of GDUFS Participated in the China Open Debate Championships

Time:June 21, 2013  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

Recently, Huang Jiayue, Gui Peng, Chang Feijing and Chen Xiaohu, the four students from GDUFS who were led by the advisor Wang Xin, participated in the 4th China Open Debate Championships in Xi'an International Studies University.



Participants of GDUFS taking a photo.


As the highest level of debating championships in China, China Open is held by IDEA's (International Debate Education Association), which consists of British Parliamentary Debate as well as Moot Court.


In the English BP (British Parliamentary) debate, participants from GDUFS and other prestigious universities at home and abroad debated over a series of international social issues, such as: "Should the US troops retreat from East Asia?" and so on. Contestants of GDUFS beat the American counterparts three times by their logical reasonings, sharp minds as well as teamwork, which deeply impressed the American and Korean judges.



Contestants debating heatedly.


It was a pity that GDUFS didn't gain the access to the final debate. University of Mississippi, Fudan University and Beijing-based Foreign Affairs College won the first, second and third prize respectively.


All the four participants of GDUFS expressed the great benefits they got from the championships. They claimed that they had recognized both of their strengths and weaknesses in this process and hoped that more college students could try to take part in English debates.

Source: GDUFS News Website