On September 16th, a conference was held at the administrative building on the North campus to lay the groundwork for the 50th anniversary of the founding of GDUFS. Those who are in charge of the anniversary arrangements, fund raising and faculty organization were present. The conference was presided over by Vice President, HE Chuantian.

The conference scene
During the conference, President ZHONG pushed all the participants to be rallied for a final sprint. He emphasized that clear accountability and shared responsibility should be established in order to take full advantage of the marvellous opportunity and make full use of the golden time. Celebrating the best of GDUFS’s rich history and looking forward to the future, ZHONG expressed his expectations in terms of the following aspects. Firstly, the anniversary shall run smoothly under collective wisdom and workable measures. Secondly, the festival atmosphere should be sensed in the air from everywhere with a series of cultural, academic and alumni related activities. Last but not least, those alumni who are invited to the celebration should feel at home from the friendly service and the infectious enthusiasm.

President ZHONG delivering a speech
ZHI Xiucong, Director of the Organizing Committee, introduced the collection of the best cases of excellent work, and stated that applications from all departments are expected. XIE Weiguang, Leader of the Fund-Raising Group, described the work schedule of receiving alumni from home and abroad, including the invitation and reception of alumni, the training of volunteers as well as the review of the university’s history.
Plus, XU Dongli from the original Alumni Association of Sun Yat-sen University, shared his own alumni related working experience, such as activity organization, the maintaining of relationships and the establishment of cohesiveness, which is a good example for GDUFS to follow.

ZHI and XIE introducing tasks; XU sharing experience
Finally, the meeting came to an end with Vice President HE’s conclusion.