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GDUFS has Signed a Comprehensive Cooperation Framework Agreement with the European University Institute

Time:July 12, 2023  Author:SITS Translation Practice and Training Base  Editor:Yang Xin  Source:From the GDUFS news website   Photo:

On June 28th, the signing ceremony of the comprehensive cooperation framework agreement between GDUFS and the European University Institute (EUI) was held at the International Conference Hall of Baiyun Mountain Campus. The speech was delivered by Shi Youqi,  President of GDUFS.

Shi Youqi delivering a speech

Shi Youqi pointed out that GDUFS places great importance on the cultivation of international governance talents, and that GDUFS is committed to adhering to high-quality development as the primary task, embracing internationalization as the fundamental characteristic, servicing national strategy as the construction orientation, and leveraging interdisciplinary as the driving force for development. These efforts aim to establish a high-level and internationally-oriented education system with higher quality, more distinctive features, and more enhanced service capabilities. EUI is renowned for its excellence in teaching and research, rich expertise in transnational governance, and advanced discipline development.

The signing of the comprehensive cooperation framework agreement between GDUFS and EUI marks a significant breakthrough and innovative development in implementing the education opening-up strategy and strengthening the cultivation of international governance talents. Under the guidance of a new type of strategic partnership characterized by consultation, collaboration, sharing, and mutual benefit, we hope that both universities can converge on consensus, deepen cooperation, provide intellectual and talent support for building a closer China-Europe relationship, establish a solid cooperative foundation for the cultivation of international governance talents, and jointly create a new phase of comprehensive educational cooperation and exchange, as well as a new chapter in the comprehensive development of international educational cooperation.


President Renaud Dehousse of the European University Institute delivering a speech

Renaud Dehousse, President of EUI, attended the signing ceremony and stated that the seeds of cooperation between the two universities were sown many years ago. The signing of the comprehensive cooperation framework agreement indicates a further deepening of the partnership between the two institutions. Both universities have distinctive characteristics in talent cultivation while sharing commonalities, suggesting broad prospects for comprehensive cooperation in the future. EUI has a renowned reputation in fields such as developing young researchers and studying transnational issues, with a focus on developing high-end talents well-versed in public affairs. The School of Transnational Governance serves as the primary department for carrying out this mission. He emphasized the importance of collaboration in the face of many cross-border challenges in current developments, highlighting the need for higher education institutions to establish strong cooperative partnerships.

This collaboration with GDUFS not only enables EUI to attract stable high-quality Chinese students but also facilitates exchanges and communication between students from both institutions, fostering stronger cultural exchange and collaboration between China and Europe. The signing of this agreement marks a new beginning for long-term cooperation between the two universities and serves as a testament to the establishment of enduring friendship between GDUFS and EUI.

Shi Youqi and Renaud Dehousse, on behalf of GDUFS and EUI, have signed the Comprehensive Cooperation Framework Agreement between Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) and the European University Institute (EUI)