North Campus, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, June 20th, 2022: On these brilliant days, the graduates of the class of 2022 have had their dazzling moment with great anticipation. The graduation and degree awarding ceremonies were held separately in the north and south campus on June 15th and 16th . Shi Youqi, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of GDUFS, awarded diplomas, set the tassels to the left side for graduate representatives and wished all the graduates all the best. The ceremonies were also broadcast online simultaneously. The university’s much-anticipated new gowns also made their debut at the ceremony.
The total number of graduates in 2022 is 7,115. Among them, 4925 are undergraduates, 1427 are postgraduates, 93 are foreign students and 670 are continuing education undergraduates. In addition, the first graduation ceremony of the Knowledge Campus for postgraduates will be held on June 23rd.
The ceremony on north campus

The ceremony on south campus

Shi Youqi delivered a speech

Shi presented diplomas to the graduates

Alumni representative Huang Guowen delivered a speech

Alumni representative Li Jun delivered a speech

Graduates representative Liu Boyuan delivered a speech

Graduates representative Rao Haiyu delivered a speech

Shi awarded the medal of “Outstanding University Students”

Li Yunming presented certificates for graduates who participated in the Western Project
and Graduate Students Education Aid Groups

He Chuantian presented certificates for graduates who participated in the Western Project
and Graduate Students Education Aid Groups

Tang Rui presided over the certificate awarding ceremony on north campus

Liu Jianda declared the award decision of the degree and the outstanding graduates

Liu Haichun presided over the certificate awarding ceremony on south campus

Jiao Fangtai declared the award decision of the degree and the outstanding graduates

Graduates in the ceremony