North Campus, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, June 9th, 2022: Martinos Mandalidis, the consul general of Greece in Guangzhou, visited GDUFS’s north campus with his delegation. They were greeted by SHI Youqi, the Secretary of the Communist Party Committee and President of GDUFS, at the VIP Guest Room of the Executive Building. Both sides exchanged their views on talent cultivation relating to the study of Greek and the cooperation between GDUFS, Capodistrian University of Athens, and other internationally renowned universities.

The scene of the talks
SHI welcomed the delegation and introduced various information about GDUFS. He pointed out that GDUFS is a high-level university with distinct international features. GDUFS maintains cooperative ties with more than 483 universities or academic institutions to date in 60 countries or regions. It has three sino-foreign joint programs and runs seven Confucius Institutes or Confucius Classrooms overseas. He emphasized that GDUFS attaches great importance to the cultivation of compound minor language talents. The university’s Greek major is the fourth in the nation and the only one in South China to get undergraduate teaching permission from the ministry of education. It carries out a “Greek and English” and “3+1” international cooperative teaching style, which not only improves the degree of the internationalization of students, but also creates strong career prospects for them. SHI also reviewed the history of the cooperation between GDUFS and related Greek institutes. He hoped that both sides can continue enhancing collaboration and making contribution towards promoting the communication and cooperation of culture and economy between China and Greece.
Martinos Mandalidis indicated that the relationship between Greece and China demonstrates a long history of friendly cooperation. He offered congratulations on the achievement of multiple languages schooling at GDUFS. He was highly appreciative of the achievements of the Greek major, the enthusiasm of students for studying, and the various Greek cultural activities held at GDUFS. He was willing to support talent cultivation at GDUFS and to continue enhancing collaboration.

Group photo
The principal of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office and the Faculty of European Languages and Cultures attended the talks. After the talks, Martinos Mandalidis and the delegation attend the activity of “World Greek Day”.