Bringing a gust of cool wind, autumnhasarrived quietly at the foot of the BaiYunMountain. The rain, which coerced a damp fragrance from faraway, has sweptaway theburning heat.In recent weeks, we hear raindropsknockingonourwindows at night,and we’vestarted to put on thick jackets and stepontothecarpet offallingleaves onthe street. The faint rustle beneath our shoesandthe silvery knock outside the windows are soundsthatbelong only toautumn! However, as the singing competition“Voices ofAutumn”is coming soon, beautiful songs also fill every cornerofGDUFS. Girls stand on theporch of the teachingbuilding, singing the popular songs in front of rain curtains. Boys tuck their hands into the pockets of their jacket,allowingthe crack of old leavestoadd a different beat to their rap.

From an online photographic exhibition“Love in autumn.”
The singingcompetition” Voicesof autumn”is a yearly competitionatGDUFS;it is a popular competition among students,with aqueue of competitorsthatalways extends a long way. Aiming to digdeep to finddifferent students’potential in different areas, GDUFS provides this arena for students who are talentedatsinging and those who are eager topresentthemselves.
“We hopethat organizingdiverse competitionscanencourage studentsto findtheir potentials indifferent waysand integrate their hobbiesinto theirdaily lives,”said the sponsor of the competition.Asa university studentinthis fast-developingage, diversified development is a necessity. In the meantime, with the renovation of education in senior schools and junior schools, art activitieshavegradually takenupamore important position than ever before.
Music connects the emotion we humans owned in common and gives us joy, and“Voices of autumn”brings the audience a great enjoyment.“I enjoy the scene of the competition very much;music has a power to sweepawaymy stress,”said onememberof the audience.But some of those who step on stage have also found inspiration from the event. According to one competitor: “The competition actually emboldened me and I also learneda lotfrom it.I think I will be more confident and experienced in the future.”

From the official accounts of students’union of FELC
“Voices of autumn”will, undoubtedly, be afeast for everyone. It willalsoadd a bright color to the autumnatGDUFS, just like in ancient Chinawhenpeople wrote songsforpraisingdifferent seasons. Today’ sstudentsatGDUFS also use their songs to record their special memory of autumn.No wonder people say that culture will be carved in the genes of every generation: ourtraditions havetravelled through the long river of historytobloomsatGDUFS. The beautiful songs mixed with the sound of rain dropswill linger above theBai YunMountain for a long time.