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R-Job_Description_School of English Education_2014

Time:June 16, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

Lecturer of General English

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

School of English and Education




Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) is one of the prestigious universities in Canton, China which specializes in international studies and educates professionals for international business and management.


School of English and Education is currently staffed with an excellent faculty of 138 members, of whom 128 were full-time teaching staff. The five divisions and one department in the school, namely, the Department of English Education, Teaching Division One, Teaching Division Two, Teaching Division Three, Teaching Division Four and Graduate English Division, take charge of the teaching for English education majors and offer English courses for non-English majors at the university. The teaching quality of the school, with its prominent teaching teams leading ahead, including College English Teaching Team, College Advanced English Teaching Team, English Writing Teaching Team and Comparative Education Teaching Team, has been marching to higher level consistently.

With college English teaching as our foundation and the English and Education major as our growth point, we will adopt a global-visioned yet school-based, comprehensive yet individualized way of teaching, and continue developing our existing features, i.e., the graded teaching system, internet-based English courses, ESP instruction, English extracurricular activities and our teacher development program.

Committed to the improvement of teaching quality, the school has launched a series of undertakings including Clinical Supervision, Cooperative Teaching by Chinese and foreign teachers, compilation of School-based textbooks and Teaching Research Innovation. The efforts have yielded fruitful achievements: in March, 2011, SEE was approved by the Ministry of Education to be the State-level Demonstration Site for College English Educational Reform; in September the same year, College English Serial Courses were awarded the honor “Provincial Quality Course”.

An ethic featuring “unity, cooperation, progress, reform and innovation” is taking shape in the school which is marching on the course of profound and grand reform.


★Capable of teaching the following general English courses:


1 English Reading Course:

Class Hours: 2 hours per week, 36 hours in total.

Objectives and requirements:

Following the basic reading skills, a wide range of reading materials are chosen for students to read, to analyze and to learn. These various topics cover numerous fields like society, politics, economy, culture, literature, education, philosophy and science. Students are supposed to read the articles to analyze the writers’ views and perspectives, the coherence and organization of the passages as well as the language. In addition to the comprehension ability, the course also expects that students, through extensive reading, should improve their reading speed to 120 wpm.

2 Integrated English Course:

Class Hours: 4 hours per week, 72 hours in total

Course Credits: 4

Objectives and Requirements:

This course is designed to meet College English Curriculum High Requirements. It aims to develop students’ ability to use English in an all-round way, especially in reading, writing and translating, so that in their future work and social interactions they will be able to exchange information effectively through both spoken and written channels, and the same time they will be able to enhance their ability to study independently and improve their cultural quality so as to meet the needs of China’s social development and international exchanges. Students are also encouraged to cultivate their study skills, cooperative learning skills and critical thinking skills.

3 Elementary Writing Course:

Class hours::  2 hours per week,36 in total 

Course credit:2 credits

Objectives and requirement

This course provides instruction and practice at the college level in reading skills, vocabulary development, grammar rules, sentence variety and paragraph development. These are language skills which are essential to success in college programs and professional life. Students will be introduced to paragraph writing skills as well as proper language use, which make the basis for higher level of writing.



·         Master degree of  English Education

·         At least 2-3 years of teaching experiences or equivalent working experiences in University.

·         Teach in fluent English.


★Capable of teaching one of the following ESP (English for Specific Purposes) courses:


4.  English for Management

Course Category: Special Module Courses

Class Hours:  2hrs per week,  36hrs in total

Course Credits: 2

Students should further develop their communication skills, team-work ability, individual problem solving ability and discussion skills, and improve their abilities to manage HR problems in business scenarios. At the end of this course, they should be able to

(1)     proficiently use basic HR terms;

(2)     apply writing formats and skills to business writing;

(3)     use proficient and professional English to analyze HR Management cases.

This course is delivered jointly by lectures, group discussions and supplementary reading activities. Some typically HR-related articles will be analyzed in detail in class. Students will be required to discuss extensively about common HR issues and topics and should be able to deliver research reports on certain areas that they are interested in.


5. English for Trade and Economics

Course Category: Special Module Courses

Class Hours:  2 per week,  36 in total

Course Credits: 2

Objectives and Requirements:

English for Trade and Economics is an ESP (English for Specific Purposes) course designed for students who major in international trade and economics and prepare for a career in business. This course aims to improve students’ English language skills and communication skills in international business situations. By integrating basic English skills and specialized knowledge of trade and economics, students are supposed to master specialized terms, expressions, sentence patterns and the laws of language use in international business context, to command good communication skills in English, and to develop their ability to acquire knowledge of international business and the latest developments in the world economy.

    The main contents of this course include business communication skills, English for international business negotiation, customer service, new product launch, exposition management, financing, crisis management, employee motivation and performance appraisal, business English writing, financial statements, etc.


6. English for Finance

Course Category: Special Module Courses

Class Hours:  2 per week,  36 in total

Course Credits: 2 credits


Objectives and Requirements:

English for Finance is an ESP (English for Specific Purposes) course designed for college majors in finance. On the basis of fundamental professional knowledge in finance, case studies and lecturing by teachers will help students to enhance their comprehension of basic concepts and develop their ability to solve problems. In addition to professional terms and sentence patterns pertain to finance, the course intends to provide professional language input that can eventually motivate students and prepare them for future competition in the career.

The main contents of this course include brief introduction to finance and other professional knowledge such as combined investment, asset pricing model, and stock interest etc.


Academic English is an ESP (English for Specific Purposes) course designed for non-English majors.



·         Doctor degree in English Language or Education

·         At least 2-3 years of teaching experiences or equivalent working experiences in University.

·         Teach in fluent English.