With the graduation season descending over GDUFS, known for its foreign language and literature, we focused on a minority language – Polish – so as to extract an epitome of the future of all language learners at GDUFS.

LIN Xin – a new broom in Polish major at GDUFS
LIN Xin – the only one who is going to stay and teach Polish at GDUFS, is one of the graduates majoring in Polish this year. When asked if the whole Polish class generally crushed into the problem of finding a job, he said “Actually, it’s not a universal problem for the whole class to find a job, in spite of extremely few exceptions. As far as I am concerned, most of my classmates have already found their own prospects. Some have got several offers from different enterprises and are weighing to choose the best one. Even if some of them may not have got the formal employment contract, they are now doing internships and are very likely to be recruited formally. In particular, there are now many universities at home and abroad recruiting Polish language teachers, for they have tended to establish the Polish language major within their own faculties – providing us with more wiggle room to choose different careers.”

ZHANG Shuo – monitor with bright future in the Polish class
For more details, we also interviewed one of those who already has a clear map of their own future career – ZHANG Shuo. She, the monitor of the Polish class, is now going through the procedure of signing a formal contract with CIR (China International Radio). “When everything settles down, I will work in Beijing for the future, as a member of the Polish Department in CIR,” said she hopefully.
Is there anyone not in a hurry to bury themselves into piles of working files? Certainly! Apart from building a career right after graduation, quite a few of them prefer further study.

CHEN Yiyu– a new explorer in law
For this question, two pretty beauties said their hearts out loud in front of our journalist. CHEN Yiyu, who is going to study law at University of Warsaw – one of the best universities in Poland – said: “Given the limited opportunities of studying law at home and the fulfilling language environment in Poland, I made the decision to study in Poland for the third time.

ZHANG Huiling – full of passion for Polish
Also, ZHANG Huiling – who is going to study the major in Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language at Jagiellonian University – the oldest university in Poland – has a strong desire to become a Polish language teacher. And she said it was her ardent love for the Polish language that made her make this choice. For more information, it is learned that if you go to the country where people speak the language you study, then literary research will be the main point of your tour to study abroad.
In addition, at GDUFS there is a special program – Minority Language + Accounting major – and one of them got the chance to pursue advanced studies in this direction by passing the exam of selection.
Specially, instead of the two kinds of choice mentioned above, CAI Ziyu chose to teach children in poor areas in Guangdong as a volunteer, not just Polish but any other subjects in need.
In a word, they polished their future with Polish today, and let’s wish all the GDUFSers a bright future tomorrow.