On the evening of June 5th, the 19th Drama Night of the Faculty of English Language and Culture (FELC) was held in Yunshan Hall on the North Campus. Students this year focused on the theme of female by deducing four attractive stories: Dancing at Lughnasa, The Beauty Queen of Leenane, A Doll’s House and By the Bog of Cats. Being the biggest winner that night, A Doll’s House finally made a sweep of six prizes including the Best Leading Actor, the Best Director and the Best Stage Effect.
MAO Sihui, Director of the English Center of Shantou University, commented on the competition. He highly affirmed the female theme, pointing out that this year’s dramas paid attention to different roles that females play in terms of emotional relationships, family and the whole society, which reflected women’s self-awakening. Besides, because of the endeavor performers made, the Drama Night was an audio-visual feast in terms of creative adaptation and stage design.

MAO Sihui made comments on the dramas
MAO finished his comments with a quotation from FANG Jianzhuang, President of the Open University of Guangdong: “We look forward to the Drama Night every year to find moments of inspiration and admiration. And to our surprise, this year’s dramas were of great innovation and far exceeded our expectations.”
Major attendees were: JIAO Fangtai, Vice President of GDUFS; HU Wentao, Minister of the Publicity Division; SU Yi, Secretary of the Youth League; WEN Binli, Dean of FELC; WANG Bin, Secretary of the Party Committee of FELC; FANG Jianzhuang, President of the Open University of Guangdong; MAO Sihui, Director of the English Center of Shantou University and other visiting professors.

Crew of The Beauty Queen of Leenane won the first prize
Awards List:
Best Female Dubber: KUANG Shaorong ()
Best Male Dubber: PENG Hanying ()
Best Supporting Actress: ZHANG Meiya ()
Best Supporting Actor: ZHU Shengxiong ()
Best Leading Actress: PENG Xiaojing ()
Best Leading Actor: DING Yugang ()
Best Stage Effect:
Best Adapted Script:
Best Director: WU Lidong ()
Third Prize for Best Play: &
Second Prize for Best Play:
First Prize for Best Play: