Recently, a Chinese Academic Translation Project 《China’s Religious And Cultural Strategy》(Japanese), applied for by the Social Sciences Academic Press(China) and DING Guoqi, Professor in the Faculty of Asian Languages and Cultures, was approved by the 2015 National Social Sciences Fund. It is a breakthrough in this type of national project for GDUFS.
The Chinese Academic Translation Project is one of the major projects supported by the National Social Sciences Fund. It aims to help Chinese scholars publish their outstanding translations both home and abroad. Foreign social sciences journals copyrighted in China and 80%-finished foreign writing by Chinese scholars can be subsidized. The fund mainly sponsors writings in English, French, Spanish, Russian, German, Japanese, Korean and Arabic. Other languages are also included. It covers 25 subjects (excluding the military) in total.
Notice of application for the Chinese Academic Translation Project by the 2016 National Social Sciences Fund has been sent out. Secondary units should mobilize all positive factors and encourage teachers to join. This year, the accepting institution will accept the applications uniformly which will be evaluated once a year instead of twice. As a university with an emphasis on languages, GDUFS will call on more teachers to apply and try to show more academic achievements to the world.
Chinese Report: 我校首获国家社科基金中华学术外译项目