On January 21, 2016, art performances were held at Yunshan Hall by GDUFS to celebrate the coming Spring Festival. All teachers, including those from the south campus, attended and enjoyed the show. It was raining and cold outside, but people had a joyful gathering inside.
Following the impassioned opening performance—Lion Dance—were sincere wishes from Chairman SUI, President ZHONG and other leaders of GDUFS. Chairman SUI said, "We have had great achievements in 2015 and all of us must strive to keep going ahead in 2016."

Wishes from Chairman SUI

Lion Dance
The documentary—Look back into 2015—showed GDUFS's achievements in the last year. The 2015 Top 10 News of GDUFS was voted for by teachers and students beforehand, recording the most important events. Then, wonderful performances enthrawled the audience and got a big hand afterwards.

The performance of students of the College of Art
HU, an acrobat of the Art group of Shenzhen, performed a traditional acrobatic routine with a history of over 2,000 years. Making use of a simple steel frame, he walked on air as if he walked in space, getting rid of gravity. Everyone applauded his amazing performance.

The acrobatic performance
More teachers and students joined in with the show this year. The female teachers of the Faculty of Asian Languages and Cultures performed Chinese classical dance; the retirees provided the model show. Young kids from GDUFS nursery and students of the College of Art also played a role.

The performance of female teachers of the Faculty of Asian Languages and Cultures

The performance of the retirees

The performance of the young kids
With the beautiful song — Cheer to Motherland's Promising Future — the wonderful performances came to an end.
The group picture
Chinese Report: 欢聚云山 新春追梦新征程