On November 14th to 15th, “Guangdong Postgraduate Academic Forum, the Sub-Forum for Translatology and the 3rd National Translatology Forum” was held in Building Seven, north campus of GDUFS. The forum was co-hosted by Guangdong Education Department, Translators Association of China (TAC) and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, and was sponsored by Guangdong Collaborative Innovation Centre for Language Research & Service. It attracted 130 Doctors of Translatology, doctoral students and young teachers from 30 colleges – both home and abroad.

The site of the forum
Professor HUANG Youyi, Vice President of TAC, Chief Editor of Chinese Translators Journal, and Professor of GDUFS’s Yunshan Lecture; JIANG Yonggang, Deputy Secretary-General of TAC, Director of International cooperation department of the China International Publishing Group (CIPG); Doctor YANG Ping, Vice Editor of Chinese Translators Journal, Secretariat Director of TAC, Vice Director of the International Publicity Research Center of CIPG; Professor ZHONG Weihe, President of GDUFS, standing Vice-President of TAC, Director of Guangdong Collaborative Innovation Centre for Language Research & Service; MU Lei, a PhD tutor from GDUFS; Professor LUO Xuanmin, Professor LI Ruilin, Professor Huang Zhonglian, Professor Lu Zhi, the Dean of GDUFS’s School of Interpreting & Translation Studies (SITS) and 20 PhD tutors from colleges of mainland China and Hong Kong-Macau were invited to be the judges of the forum defense.
Professor ZHONG Weihe pointed out in the opening ceremony that, having prepared for nearly half a year, the forum aimed to build three communication platforms between doctoral tutors and students, doctoral students and teachers and students, in order to discover problems in doctoral students training through the research proposals or comments on theses from doctoral tutors, and define a new direction for high-end talents training of translators and construction of Translatology.

A speech presented by ZHONG Weihe
The National Translatology Forum originated ten years ago, the last two times were separately held in 2004 at Shenzhen University and 2006 at GDUFS. The forum has inherited the excellent traditions of the previous forums, meanwhile pursuing innovations and breakthroughs in organizational forms and communicative effectiveness. During the speaking section presented by experts, Professor HUANG Youyi, Doctor Yangping, Professor XIE Tianzhen, Professor MU Lei, Professor HU Kaibao, Professor SUN Yifeng and Professor ZHANG Meifang were invited to present special reports with the theme of doctoral students of Translatology training pattern, paper writing and the construction of doctoral students’ scientific research team. Moreover, the forum invited Professor ZHANG Wei, the doctoral tutor of the National Top-Hundred Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Prize winner, and Professor SONG Xuezhi to introduce the selection of the subject and the precious growing-up experience of the doctoral students. The forum mainly focused on practice thesis defense. Faced with the “Deluxe Group of Tutors” constituted by ten doctoral tutors, doctoral students declared respective research proposals or research thesis and interaction with their tutors, together discovering and discussing the problems in the proposals and working out solutions.
In addition, the forum set up the “Round-Table Conference” of doctoral tutors for exchanging inspiration and experience among doctoral tutors, and for doctoral students exchanging confusion at subjects selecting, writing skills and growing-up experience. Also, the “Teachers and students face to face” provided doctoral tutors a chance to answer questions put forward by graduates, candidates and registers of doctoral students and give directions on academic career planning, doctoral thesis writing and doctoral courses preparation.

A group photo taken as a memento
The forum gained full recognition from the present experts in terms of both organizational pattern and detail setting. At the same time, an enthusiastic response was given by doctoral students of Translatology from dozens of colleges nationwide. It gained positive responses in the field of Translatology, making beneficial attempts and exploration in the innovative training for doctoral students of Translatology – actively promoting the development of Translatology.
It was reported that the next National Translatology Forum will be held at Shanghai Jiaotong University.
Chinese Report: 我校举办第三届全国翻译学博士论坛