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The Achievement Exhibition of GDUFS was opened

Time:November 9, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

The unveiling of the Achievement Exhibition marking 2015 as the 50th anniversary of the founding of GDUFS, and the launching ceremony of Cultural GDUFS series of books, was held on November 5th 2015 on the main campus avenue of the north campus. The ceremony was attended by GDUFS President, Zhong Weihe; GDUFS Vice Party Secretary, Lu Jinghui; GDUFS former Vice Party Secretary, Chen Jianping; alumni of the class of 1998: Jiang Guoye, Ke Yanqing and Zhao Songguang; member of the Guangdong Publishing Group party committee and Vice-general Manager of The Southern Media Co., LTD, He Zumin; Publishing Director of Guangdong Publishing Group and The Southern Media Co., LTD, Xiao Surong; Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Guangdong People’s Press, Ni Lasong; people in charge of achievement exhibition exhibitors; committee members of the editorial board of Cultural GDUFS series of books, and all cadres from the Propaganda Department of the GDUFS Party Committee.


Speaking first, President Zhong fully affirmed the achievements of GDUFS, saying that GDUFS advances with our times. The education in the university conciliates China and the west, and therefore GDUFS is capable of cultivating international talents. After showing his appreciation for alumni who offered financial support, the President expressed his hope that the achievement exhibition would be a complete success.


Thereafter, Hu Wentao, Minister of the Propaganda Department of GDUFS Party Committee, delivered a working report, which indicated good progress of the exhibition.


Ni Lasong, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Guangdong People's Press, delivered a speech of congratulations. Not only did he give a high regard to Cultural GDUFS series of books, but also expressed his best wishes to GDUFS, hoping it shines with the sun and the moon!


After that, alumni Jiang Guoye also gave an emotional speech, sharing his fond feelings of his alma mater.


And then, there came the most exciting moment: the unveiling of the GDUFS 50th Anniversary statue. No sooner was the curtain unveiled than explosive bursts of applause rang out. And the surface of the large red Arabic numeral 50 statue was revealed, raising the passion of the audience to a peak. Exquisite souvenirs were awarded to all guests when the ceremony came to a perfect end.