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Students from GDUFS Got the Bronze Prize in the CCPC

Time:October 29, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

From October 17th to October 18th, the China Collegiate Programming Contest (hereafter CCPC) was held at Nanyang Institute of technology. The Team from GDUFS with three members, sophomore ZHOU Houqian and juniors LIN Mingming and YANG Huanxing fought for the honor and got the bronze prize. Another 735 IT elites from 134 prestigious universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, Wuhan University and Chinese Academy of Sciences also competed in the contest.


Team members taking a photo after the contest


The CCPC, backed by China Association of Collegiate Programming Contest, is an annual international event open to undergraduates around the world, meant to present their programming skills, innovation capabilities as well as the ability to collaborate. The contest is aimed at encouraging the undergraduates to apply their programming knowledge and skills to those problems occurred in the daily life, inspiring their interests to learn algorithm and programming and developing their collaboration consciousness and the awareness to embrace the challenge. The competitors have to deal with 12 computer programming problems of great difficulty within five hours, which needs meticulous logical analysis, strategy making and high abilities to implement the program. The contest itself is a great challenge.


Fierce competition at the scene


The CCPC was the highest profile contest in the field of programming at home held in China. All the universities involved sent their strongest members. The contest has been the best one among all previous collegiate programming contests in terms of the numbers and the ranges of the competitors, as well as the scale of the representative universities.