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Leadership Election of Alumni Association of Jiangsu Province

Time:August 29, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

On August 8th, 2015, the leadership election of Alumni Association of Jiangsu province was held in Nanjing with more than 100 local alumni present. Representatives of alumni associations of Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangnan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou Development District and Zhuhai-Macau came to express congratulations. In addition, ZHONG Weihe, President of GDUFS, attended the conference, leading a team.


President ZHONG delivering a speech


In the speech, President ZHONG firstly looked back at the developmental history of GDUFS as well as introducing the present general situation of the university. He said, “Alumni associations are home to GDUFS alumni all over the world. The home is just like a bond, twisting alumni and GDUFS together as well as GDUFS and society together.” Alumni showed real GDUFS’ers mien and enhanced GDUFS’ reputation with their excellent succession of careers and great contributions to society, which alumni of Jiangsu province also made efforts to show. Nowadays, GDUFS is gradually developing, with the goal to be an outstanding international university, which needs continual contributions from every effort of undergraduates, graduates, teachers and alumni. Therefore, President ZHONG invited alumni to come back at GDUFS to celebrate the 50thanniversary and discuss the future of GDUFS in 50 years.




In the leadership election, the Second Council Member group of the Alumni Association was established. LI Zhexiang, founder of the association, and LI Junming, President of Second Council Members of the Alumni Association gave a talk respectively. Both of them expressed deep love and best wishes to GDUFS. In addition, they promised that the association will do best to provide a communicative platform among alumni and promote educational development of GDUFS.


Former President and present President


The group picture


Undergraduates of Jiangsu province who were voluntary to have interviews with local alumni to record information during the summer vacation and representatives of 2015 freshmen also took part in the activity. President ZHONG presented a special issue about the 50thanniversary of GDUFS to BAI Haoyue, a 2015 freshman.


President ZHONG and volunteers


President ZHONG and BAI Haoyue