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Thailand’s Prince Sukhumbhand Paribatra Extends Greetings for the 50th

Time:July 10, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

This year saw the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand and was also the 60th anniversary of Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s birth day. In order to commemorate these two grand occasions and promote the interaction of the youth of different nations, the Thai government invited the young people representing Guangzhou to participate in the 5th campaign of youth exchange between 18th and 25th June in Bangkok. Under the authority of Foreign Affairs Office of Guangzhou, ZHOU Peng from the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, CHI Xiaowen and SHANG Cheng, Thai language majors and LIU Zhuolan, an English major, took part in the activity. This activity attracted 78 youths from 17 cities, serving as a platform for culture and education exchanges.


Prince Sukhumbhand Paribatra writes  a greeting to GDUFS


On 18th June, Prince Sukhumbhand Paribatra, mayor of Bangkok, met the youth the ceremony. He expressed his cordial welcome to them and hoped that, through this activity, they could have a better understanding of Thailand.  After learning about the oncoming 50th anniversary of GDUFS, he wrote a greeting in  the GDUFS guest book on behalf of the peoples of Bangkok and government. Moreover, he noted that he looks forward to greater cooperation between Guangzhou and Bangkok in the future.


The hosts arranged a cultural visit, a cultural performance, book donations and a tree planting all of which allowed the youth to comprehend Bangkok’s culture thoroughly.  At the activity, our school’s students presented the Lingnan culture, shared Cantonese food and performed Chinese-featured dances. They conveyed the image of confident and vigorous Cantonese youth to the Thai participants.


Madam Tamsuwan awarded certificates to our school’s students


The participants took a group photo together