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GDUFS Preparing for 50th Anniversary Series of Activities

Time:May 22, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

In order to enhance people’s awareness of GDUFS, promote communication with other schools, make preparations for a series of activities of our university’s 50th anniversary, a work advancing conference was held in the administration building on May 15th of the northern campus. President ZHONG WeiHe, Vice President HE ChuanTian, staff from the preparation leadership group and another special group, as well as leaders of the preparation group from different departments—including some scientific research institutions—have attended the conference in which Mr.HE Chuan Tian was the host.


President ZHONG has presented four requirements for the preparation work

President ZHONG stressed that the 50th anniversary was an important landmark in the development of the university. Every working group was required, with a deep historical sense of responsibility, to tell of stories of GDUFS, make a good summary of GDUFS’s accomplishments and show our positive spirit. He also pointed out that,as of this November, the preparation work will have reached a key point where our efforts in the following processes will directly determine the quality of the 50th anniversary activities; we need to take every detail into account in a more comprehensive way.

President Zhong presented his four requirements to guide the preparation work through the next process; different for each department. To start with, we need to enhance awareness of our work and make the responsibility clear, which means we should deeply understand the significance of the 50th anniversary activities in the process of the school development, set up an entrepreneurial mindset, promote the spirit of seeking the truth, and always be industrious, active and ready to contribute to the preparation work.

Secondly, we need to prepare, step by step, and at a steady rate. In other words, we should possess a sense of time control and responsibility to accomplish tasks in all the different processes, making sure that the preparation work can be done on time, according to the requirements from GDUFS 50th Anniversary Series of Activities Implementation Details and the 50th Anniversary Series of Activities Arrangements Table of Different Departments.

Thirdly, different groups are supposed to enhance cooperation with each other. It is of significant importance to build a good atmosphere through hosting varieties of colorful celebration activities.

Fourthly, we should try to make breakthroughs and be more creative. Through full preparation and by listening to the public, we will come up with better plans and be able to organize more significant activities, so that the 50th anniversary series of activities will be unique, and have the significant characteristics, each having its own sense of our culture.

ZHI XiuCong, head of the preparation work office, has reported the progress and the arrangements of the activities during the conference. Up untill now, we have set up specific working groups and communication platforms, enhancing the exchange of information and improving the working efficiency; we have also had a working plan such as well as documents like the GDUFS 50th Anniversary Series of Activities Implementation Details and 50th Anniversary Series of Activities Arrangement Table of Different Departments. Many warm-up activities have been activated and the atmosphere of celebrating the 50th anniversary is continually strengthened.

SU Yi, head of the Culture and Sport Group, CAi Hong, head of AUPF, and XIE WeiGuang, leader of liaison financing group, have all given a work report in turn, introducing the preparation work and the plan in the follow-up process.