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Alumni ZHUO Ruisheng Takes the Post of China’s Ambassador to Burundi

Time:April 22, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

On March 6, 2015, China’s ambassador to Burundi, our own GDUFS alumni, ZHUO Ruisheng, who majored in French in GDUFS in 1982, presented his credentials to Burundian President Nkurunziza in the Presidential Palace of Burundi.

Ambassador ZHUO, first expressed cordial greetings from Chairman XI Jinping to President Nkurunziza, at the same time appreciating his special arrangement of immediately accepting China’s credentials. He said he would, in his office, do his best to continue developing the friendly cooperation of different levels and fields between the two countries, while genuinely wishing the Burundian general elections a complete success.

President Nkurunziza also extended his good wishes through ZHUO to Chairman XI. Welcoming ZHUO, the President said that the Burundian government, as well as himself, would fully support ZHUO’s work, making sure that the relationship between the two countries would reach a new heights during ZHUO’s tenure.




After meeting President Nkurunziza, ZHUO has written down his feelings on assuming his new post in the Comments Book of the Embassy together with his best wishes to Burundi. In addition, he accepted the interviews from Burundian mainstream media.




ZHUO arrived in Bujumbura on the night of March 4th and presented the credentials transcript of his appointment to the Burundian Foreign Minister, Kavakure, on March 5th.