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American Professor Teaches IMC in GDUFS

Time:June 3, 2013  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

May 30th--Professor James Ebel from West Virginia University (WVU) started his half-a-month teaching in Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) at GDUFS on May 28th. The teaching program is a recently-introduced innovation by WVU and the School of Journalism and Communication of GDUFS in their academic exchanges and cooperation.



Professor James Ebel at the class


Professor Ebel led a group of eleven students to GDUFS where they are going to have IMC classes together with Chinese students. This new project are well-received by students from the Advertising Department. When the first class was given on May 28th, the classroom was packed out with enthusiastic students who were eager to share their ideas with the professor.


Professor James Ebel has been teaching Copywriting and Marketing Communications in Healthcare Industry at WVU since 2011. He also runs his own consulting company CenterBrain Partners, a company that has offered services to more than 170 brands in America, including some Top 500 companies like HSBC, YUM Brands, Abot Labs and Bridgestone. In his first class at GDUFS, he stressed the importance of creativity and shared his opinions on how to foster creativity in discovering and solving problems.


Besides the lectures, students from WVU will be offered internships in companies in Guangzhou as well.


Sources: GDUFS News Website