Mar.1st The opening ceremony of the mobile curriculum for the project "Asian Colleges" was held at GDUFS on Feb. 17th. the Vice President of GDUFS Fang Fanquan, Dean Duoyou from the faculty of Asian Language and Culture, and delegates from Japan as well as Korea attended the opening ceremony.

Fang Fanquan—Vice President of GDUFS attending the ceremony.
Dean Duoyou opened the ceremony by giving a warm welcome to the honoured guests and students from China, Japan and Korea. Professor Chen said, the project "Asian Colleges" serves as an example for GDUFS in establishing internationalization of higer education and provides new opportunities for GDUFS to explore new models on such education at the jumping-off point. In addition, he praised the students from China, Japan and Korea for their great courage and determination to make contributions to the peace and development of Asia.
Professor Li Yuanfan from Korea, Professor Uno Kiyo from Japan, and Aihara Yoshiko from the Consulate-General of Japan in Guangzhou all gave brief speeches at the ceremony. They emphasised the project's great influence on friendly exchanges between China, Japan and Korea and they all expressed their expectation for the success of the project.
Professor Li yuanfan from Korea, Professor Uno Kiyo from Japan and the lady Aihara Yoshiko from the Consulate-General of Japan in Guangzhou all gave brief speeches at the ceremony. They emphasised the project’s great influence on friendly exchanges among China, Japan and Korea and expressed their expectation for the success of the project.

Delegates from China, Japan and Korea giving speeches.

Group photos of the participators.
At the meeting of the contract staff on Feb. 18th, people in charge of the project discussed and finally reach agreement on several events, such as the budget of the project, arrangement for student housing and study. The consensus should provide a strong guarantee for the beginning of the mobile curriculums.

Groud photos at the meeting of the contract staff.
Source: GDUFS News Website