Delegates of GDUFS Research Subject Mr. Sui Guangjun, Party Secretary of GDUFS and Executive Vice President of Guangdong International Institute for Strategic Studies, Professor Xiao Yaofei, Chief Researcher of GDUFS and Professor Li Qing, Chief Secretary of GDUFS were invited to attend the Summary and Commendation Meeting on Research Subjects of 2012 Major
Foreign Policies held by Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing from December 25th to 26th. During the meeting, Mr. Sui made a speech representing Honored Outstanding Research Teams.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs had launched out over 60 research subjects on major foreign policies in the past three years and it was this year 2012 that the Ministry first appraised and honored those outstanding research teams. The research subject that Guangdong International Institute for Strategic Studies Team worked on, the Opportunities, Challenges of and Proposals for China Globalization Strategy in the international situation was highly praised and adapted by the Ministry, and as well won itself the title 2012 Outstanding Research Subject on Major Foreign Policies.

Certificate of Honor (Members included: Sui Guangjun, Xiao Yaofei, Li Qing, Liang Lijun, Zhou Junyu, Wang Xianbing, Xu Chenshang, Cheng Yonglin, Liu Jisen, Li Yongning, Zhang Jian)
It being reported that this was the first time for GDUFS to carry out research on major foreign policies authorized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, GDUFS Team attached great importance to it. In the early 2012, the research work with title thinking Over the Strategy of Participating in International Economy Decision Making for China by Guangdong International Institute for Strategic Studies caught the Ministry's attention and in the following April, Gu Yeli, Vice President of GDUFS, signed up a research project agreement with the Ministry in a formal meeting. After that, Guangdong International Institute had elaborately organized symposia, chatted with chiefs of social organizations and government departments and visited enterprises like Hua Wei, Midea, which effectively supported China`s foreign-policy decisions with comprehensive intelligence.