Dec. 10th--GDUFS was awarded the Outstanding Member Institution Prize by the Translators Association of China (TAC) at the 2nd National Translation Conference. For individuals, President Zhong Weihe received the Outstanding Contribution to Translation Industry Award and Professor Mu Lei was honored as an Excellent Worker.

President Zhong and Professor Mu
The conference held on Dec. 6th marked the 30th anniversary of TAC, the only national association in the field of translation in China. At the conference, TAC members and present government officials paid high tribute to individuals and organizations that have been devoted to the development of translation education in China.
Since 1997, when the first college translation department in Mainland China was established at GDUFS, our school has been an active promoter of translation education. Pioneers from the field of translation and interpreting such as President Zhong and Professor Mu have adopted new teaching methods and built up a brilliant team of teachers at GDUFS, which has largely advanced the teaching standard.

President Zhong Weihe delivering a speech
President Zhong also delivered a speech on 揂dvancing Translation Education and Implementing the National Cultural Strategy?at the conference. He pointed out that under new circumstances we should pool strength within the translation industry and seek further improvement on both the education and assessment systems.
Source: GDUFS News Website