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Delegates of ESC Rennes Paid Their First Visit to GDUFS

Time:November 22, 2012  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

Nov. 15th桹n November 1st, Vice President Jean Michel Viola and delegates of ESC Rennes paid their first visit to GDUFS in hopes to develop a cooperation with MBA programs.



Yeli Gu looking forward to the cooperation.

GDUFS Vice President Yeli Gu pointed out that GDUFS has continuously insisted on international education and has been engaged in promoting academic collaborations with ESC Rennes so as to enhance the influence both at home and abroad.

Vice President Yeli Gu also mentioned that there were similarities between GDUFS and ESC Rennes, especially the idea and model of talent cultivation. He shared his hope that the two universities will cooperate in more academic realms in the near future and continue  to cultivate the relationship.



Jean Michel Viola expecting the implementation of the cooperation


Vice Prsident Jean Michel Viola said he believes that the friendship between the two universities will promote cooperation. He said that Guangjun Sui抯 last visit to ESC Rennes created a great opportunity for academic cooperation. During the conversation before the meeting, Vice President Jean Michel Viola expressed ESC Rennes' intention to collaborate on double degrees as well as MBA programmes with GDUFS.

Moreover, he invited the delegates of GDUFS to visit ESC Rennes for a second time. 揑 look forward to the everlasting friendship between these two colleges? says Viola.



Participants taking a photo.

Source: GDUFS News Website