October 17--Recently, leaders from China, Japan and Korea, the three member countries of ''CAMPUS Asia" (Collective Action for the Mobility Program of University Students), attended a joint session to discuss the preparations for the 2013 mobile campus project at Pusan National University in Korea.
At the meeting, Chen Duoyou, GDUFS' Dean of the Faculty of Asian Language and Cultures, pointed out in his address that "CAMPUS Asia" is running smoothly due to the joint efforts of the tripartite cooperation. He then expressed that the faculties of the three countries will need to work in closer collaboration in order to pave the way for conducting the mobile campus program which is coming in the near future.

Chen Duoyyou emphasized on a closer collaboration
After a heated discussion, university representatives of China, Japan and Korea reached an initial consensus on the issues of a teaching plan, course outline, and credit affirmation. Also, it was agreed that the rational course design not only helps enhance students'language proficiency but conduces to the understanding of the history of various cultures, which is consistent with the objectives of ''CAMPUS Asia".
Subsequently, the participants summed up current projects and fully affirmed the achievement of the short-term study over the summer of ''CAMPUS Asia". The session ended with the promise that "CAMPUS Asia" will be formally launched at GDUFS on February 18th, 2013.
A photograph of the participants
After the meeting, Chinese and Korean teachers paid a visit to the offices and classrooms of '"CAMPUS Asia" at Pusan National University. Then the group was called over to see some GDUFS students studying there. All were greatly encouraged. Dean Chen, in particular, encouraged them to work hard so as to become the bridge of East Asian cultural exchanges.
Source: GDUFS News Website