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Optional Mode in School Canteen Won Affirmation from President

Time:September 25, 2012  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

Sept. 22-On Sept. 18th, accompanied by Vice-President He Chuantian, Logistics Director Yang Si and Party Branch Secretary at Logistics Department Sun Jianjun, President Zhong Weihe inspected the 1st and 2nd Canteens as well as the Faculty Restaurant at the 3rd Floor of Qing Ya Yuan on the North Campus. After the inspection, President Zhong fully affirmed the summer reformation project of the school canteens.


President Zhong held a cordial talk with the dining students


Upon entering the canteens on the North Campus, President Zhong and his company closely surveyed the food availability as well as the price, the variety of the food and the disinfection of the tableware. President Zhong spoke highly of the optional mode of quantitative food at the 1st Dinning Room and considered it to be worth promoting.


Later, President Zhong and his company had dinner at the Faculty Restaurant at Qing Ya Yuan. He considered that the Logistics Department has successfully renovated the canteens and that the supply mode, dinning environment and the variety of food in each canteen have all greatly improved.


It is reported that during the summer vocation, GDUFS self-financed more than 600,000 yuan in reforming the school dinning rooms on both the North and South Campus, which included the reformation of the 1st Canteen of the South Campus, and the 1st and 2nd Canteens along with the Faculty Restaurant at Qing Ya Yuan on the North Campus. The former Faculty Dining Hall in the East District has been transformed into a Canteen for the Attached Middle School students.


Likewise, the 3rd Floor of Qing Ya Yuan has been renovated into the new Faculty Restaurant. The summer reformation project of the canteen has received the understanding and support of the students and faculty. In addition, Guangzhou TV reported the reformations of GDUFS on August 29th.


Source: GDUFS News Website