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The Thai Youth Delegation Visited GDUFS

Time:September 17, 2012  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

Sep 12th--On the afternoon of September 8th, the Thai Youth Delegation visited GDUFS. Lu Jinghui, Vice secretary of the Party, received the delegation along with other school leaders.


School leaders and the Thai youth delegation group photo in front of the library


Lu met Sama guess - Chong Wia, head of the delegation and Deputy Director of Social Development and Human Security of Thailand in the Thai Culture Chamber. Lu first gave a brief introduction of the school's profile. He mentioned that as an internationally-distinctive and high-level university, GDUFS has built up a close relationship with several Thai colleges and universities, including Bangkok University, since 1970 when setting up the Thai major at GDUFS. Also, China-Thailand relations have a long history and the "Sino-Thai family" is a well-known saying which perfectly confirms the close relationship between the two cultures. GDUFS hopes that this exchange visit will promote the development of the bilateral relations.


Lu Jinghui and the leader of the Thai side conversation in Thai culture chamber


Sama guess - Chong Wia expressed that the Thai young people all enjoyed geting a taste of the profound Chinese ancient civilization during this exchange visit and they truly appreciated the lofty ideals that the older generation of Chinese people have handed down. In addition, they realized the crucial position China holds in the economy and politics among ASEAN countries. Not long ago, Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Thai teenagers had developed a cooperation framework of the Sino-Thai youth exchange visits, which would strengthen these visits in terms of education, moral education, culture and business talents. He believes that the youth from Thai universities and colleges will establish a profound friendship with the delegate students at GDUFS and both groups will devote themselves to the long-term development of China and Thailand.


The two sides exchanged souvenirs


Afterwards, the two sides exchanged souvenirs and posed for pictures. All the youth from the Thai delegation interacted with the delegate students from GDUFS. Mr Liao and Mr Zhou respectfully introduced the Thai Language major and the exchange program of GDUFS and the various aspects of the International Institute as well as the international students from Thailand. Then the two sides had a lively group discussion in the 7th teaching building.


Members of the delegation show their passion for singing at the exchange meeting


source: GDUFS News Website