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50th Anniversary

[My Story with GDUFS]Sean's story

Time:October 26, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

As the plane touches down in Guangzhou and I am whisked away in a cab, I am in awe of the size of everything I see. Coming from Toronto, Canada, I used to believe that a city of two million people was huge. Now spread before me is a vast landscape of towering buildings, endless shops and countless people going about their day-to-day routines.


Within an hour I pass through the grand gates of campus and read the large letters: Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. As the car winds its way among the lush gardens of the campus, I pull up to the Foreign Experts Building. I am here, and for the next year, this will be home.


Wandering around campus, I begin to see the excited faces of students ready for their first classes and I ask myself, “Am I ready?” It is all so new and different and my excitement of everything around me is at a peak. In no time I am humbled, not just by the size of everything, but by the differences I notice all around: A new language, new food, new ways of being and new ways of doing. I quickly realize that I am a long way from my tiny town on the opposite site of the world.


Any fears are put to rest as I stand before my classes on the first day. “Ni hao” I attempt, receiving an appreciated laugh from the students. The ice has been broken and in no time we are sharing the many ideas of Western and Chinese cultures, while exploring the depths of life and asking the important questions like “Why”.


The year moves forward and my time with the students gradually becomes more valuable as we understand and respect each other’s cultural differences, and learn to see things in new ways. Conversations take on lives of their own, and through the laughter and even tears and frustration, we seek to find our role as global citizens.


And then I look up one day and realize that the weeks have turned into months and the months have faded into days; I am leaving China in soon.


As I reflect upon my year at Guangwai, I cannot help but be grateful for the role my students played in shaping my time in China, and I only hope I did the same for them. The year has been one full of so many mixed sensations, challenges and triumphs; where else could I have experienced such a range of thoughts, feelings, ideas and emotions?


Passing through the entrance of Guangwai for the last time, I look back and remember entering through the imposing gates all those months ago… and I smile. My role may have been small, but the experience will last a lifetime.


As I drive back towards the airport, I once again look out across the cityscape. So much has changed in such a short time, but I continue to be in awe of all that I see.


Ready to board the place, I know that China will always be a special place and it was Guangwai that I will have called my home.