North Campus, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, December 15th, 2020:Tapusalaia Terry Uli Toomata, Ambassador in China from the Independent State of Samoa visited GDUFS recently. SUI Guangjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of GDUFS, greeted the guests in the VIP Hall of the Administration Building on north campus. JIAO Fangtai, the vice-president of GDUFS took part in the meeting.
SUI pointed out that GDUFS attaches great importance to the research work and interactive activities carried out in cooperation with Pacific Island countries. The Pacific Islands Countries Strategic Research Center, built up in 2005 by GDUFS, has devoted itself to the system analysis and in-depth research on Pacific Island countries for several years. GDUFS has helped nine periods for training civil servants and young leaders from the Pacific Island countries successfully since 2015, which has trained 240 students from eight countries, included 43 civil servants from Samoa. SUI indicated that during the pandemic, GDUFS plans offer high quality training courses both online and offline to the international students and the island countries’ young leaders.To better promote academic communication and the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Samoa, GDUFS will continue to cooperate with Samoa in the future.

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Tapusalaia Terry Uli Toomata expressed his gratitude for GDUFS’s welcome and support as always. He said that Guangdong province has interacted with Pacific Island countries for a long time. And the cooperation between them in economy, trade, culture and tourism has rapidly developed since the Belt and Road Initiative was established. Toomata hoped that GDUFS and the Pacific Islands countries Strategic Research Center can build closer relations, and thus more international students can be encouraged to study at GDUFS.
Members of the International Office, Guangdong International Strategic Research Institute, and the School of International Relations participated in the conference.
Written by: Xiao Nan
Photo by: From GDUFS News Website
Edited by: Kyle Muntz, Wang Mengyu