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Consul-General of Pakistan in Guangzhou Visits GDUFS to Negotiate Cooperation

Time:November 20, 2013  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

On the afternoon of November 18th, the Consul-General of Pakistan in Guangzhou, Mr. Babar Amin; his Vice Consul, Mr. Nawab Ali Rahoojo, along with the Secretary to the Consul-General, Mr. LI Qifan, paid a visit to GDUFS and met with President ZHONG Weihe in the VIP Hall of the administration building. The Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, JIAO Fangtai; the Director of Institute for International Education, LIANG Xuehong; and the Secretary-General of the  Guangdong Research Institute for International Strategies, LI Qing, were also present at the meeting.



ZHONG Weihe talking with Consul-General Babar Amin


ZHONG Weihe extended a warm welcome to the delegation and welcomed the Consul-General's visit. Too, he gave a brief introduction to the project including the history and current situation of GDUFS. He mentioned that our university has established cooperation agreements and communications with more than 240 universities worldwide and that there were over 2,000 overseas students from more than 100 countries and regions studying in our school. President ZHONG expressed hope that GDUFS could establish more extensive communications related to technology and education with Pakistan.


Mr. Amin suggested that, by promoting the communication and cooperation between the National University of Modern Languages (in capital city of Pakistan, Islamabad) and GDUFS, it would link the two best language schools in both our countries. The Consul believed that the two schools could exchange students and share information such as library collections and e-books via the Internet. As  is the case that a large number of Pakistan students tend to study abroad, he hoped that our school could send experts and professors to Pakistan to establish some equivalent institutes with them and offer degrees and diplomas.   



ZHONG Weihe presenting souvenirs to Babar Amin